How HopeSpace CLG is governed
HopeSpace CLG is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees. The Board oversees HopeSpace’s operation and identifies priorities informed by a strategic plan. HopeSpace CLG does not currently receive any public or state funding to run the service and relies on gifts, donations and grants to provide the service.
Company Registration Number: 707197
Registered Charity Number: 20206474
CHY Number: 22970
Our trustees do not receive fees or payments for their services. We have adopted the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public and we are in the process of ensuring compliance with the Charities Governance Code which sets out the minimum standards a charity should meet to effectively manage and control their charity and is based on legal requirements and best practice.
HopeSpace is a member of The Wheel, the support and representative network for the community and voluntary sector in Ireland.
Board Committees
The Board meets regularly to deal with HopeSpace CLG business and to ensure the charity is financially sound. However, some Board functions need more attention in order to be dealt with effectively.. Therefore, our governance structure include committees. The Board has delegated specific areas of responsibility to these committees. The following committees report to the Board on a regular basis.
Governance and Quality Committee: provides strategic advice and guidance to the Board of Trustees with regard to governance, risk and the quality of service
Volunteer and Training Committee: provides strategic advice to the Board of Trustees with regard to the coordination, support and training of volunteers
Facilities Committee provides advice and guidance to the Board of Trustees on the fitting, furnishing, equipping, safety and maintenance of the centre
Our Governing Policies
Click on the link below to view our governing policy documents
Volunteer Policy
Documents & Reports
Click on the link below to view our annual report & financial accounts
Annual Report
Financial Accounts